
Showing posts from January, 2021
Quiz App Quiz App PLEASE WAIT... BE READY TO ANSWER Hope you enjoy !!! Questions 1 / 19 ............................................................. M M M M Next Close Your Score is: Close
General Knowledge Quiz Index => General Knowledge Quiz Show all questions <=   => Which country has the greatest number of active volcanoes? ?   Japan ?   Indonesia ?   Philippines ?   Italy In which country is the Cape of Good Hope? ?   Canada ?   South Africa ?   Australia ?   USA In which country is Mount Fuji located? ?   China ?   North Korea ?   Peru ?   Japan What is the capital of Australia? ?   Melbourne ?   Adelaide ?   Canberra ?   Sydney In which country is the world's highest waterfall? ?   South Africa ?   Venezuela ?   Brazil ?   India What is the World's Smallest Country? ?   Lichtenstein ?   Vatican City ?   Luxembourg ?   Monaco The Great Barrier Reef is off the coast of which country? ?   New Zealand ?   Fiji ?   South Africa ?   Australia What is the capital of the Philippines? ?   Dili ?   Jakarta ?   Manila ?   Marawi What is the world's most popula